Thursday, October 11, 2007

Rare Pictures of The Crazy Mama

I turned 35 on the feast of St. Francis (which I always thought was funny, 'cause I don't particularly like animals. I like them from a distance or for dinner but, other than that, not really.).

Anyway, I have been feeling really old and wrinkly lately. I spied some weird wrinkles along the SIDE of my face (that's just wrong, I tell you!) the other day and those worry lines between my eyebrows (I hate wearing sunglasses, but I squint so bad all the time...I catch myself in the rear view mirror!) are so deep, I'll have to spackle them soon.

Butch was out of town for my birthday and I was busy getting ready for Anna's surprise/welcome home party so it almost passed unnoticed (well, it almost passed unnoticed by ME! Everyone kept reminding me with calls or cards!). Butch's relatives from Colorado were in town so his mom and dad, sister, a cousin (and family), and his uncle and aunt took me and the kids out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. It was super funny when they came out with a birthday cake and a big ol' sombrero! I didn't really get any good pictures of it soooooo...

I decided to have a little fun with the camera after I got the kids into bed. It's amazing what you can do at night, bored, husbandless, and feeling a bit queasy from the Mexican food (although it WAS delicious!). Since I never take pictures of myself (I really do hate my nose now that it's growing from getting older), and since I'll be really fat and puffy soon, I will now present you with the fruits of my boredom:

(Ignore the stupid date stamp on the pictures, my battery case keeps falling open and re-setting it. These were all taken on 10-04-07)

I started out trying to take "normal" pictures of me to capture what I actually think I look like. They just all looked funny to me, so I had to go another route:

Ew. I just checked this one out after posting it. I DON'T recommend clicking on this one (above) to get a closer look. Let's just say that we had a lot of sticky candy when we were little and I have yet to get those fillings switched over to the white ones. Oh well, I'll keep it on here because it's getting close to Halloween and I want to get into the spirit of the holiday!

Yes, this is an inherited ability. Not many people have this talent. My dad can do it and some of my children can also. I'm thinking it is one of my "stupid human tricks". Can YOU do it?

Since I will never get professional pictures of myself, I had to play around with some to get as pretty a picture as I could for the kids to say, "Oh, this old thing? That's mom on her 35th birthday! Ah, just how I remember her!"-hopefully they'll be talking about the nice ones and not the goofy ones! Just squint your eyes a little, stand at least 10 feet from your computer, and imagine I have Photoshop to blur the wrinkles and narrow my nose!

I liked this one because of the smile wrinkles on the side of my mouth. They remind me of so many of my cousins whom I love. I've noticed in the past that I sort of talk out of one side of my mouth and this weekend, I saw one of my cousins doing that. I thought it was so funny that a lot of us have that same trait. It's a familiar thing which, if looked at objectively, I might think is unattractive. But, because it really reminds me of my family, I really like it!

I know you know better and that I usually look more like some kind of hobo woman in a stained shirt, cutoff workout pants, and frizzy fuzz balls sticking out from under my dirty baseball cap!