Conversation I had two weeks ago when I set up my level II ultrasound (which is tomorrow, say a prayer if you could, please?):
Scheduler: Okay, so, you know that this will be a two hour appointment, right?
Me: Oh, okay, I thought it was only about an it still okay that I bring my three, older children?
Scheduler: Oh yes, definitely! Okay now, it's two hours...the first hour will be for "genetic counselling"...
Me: What FOR? I don't really have any genetic issues in my family and I really don't think I need...
Scheduler: Oh, well, we always do "genetic counselling" for women of...
(ready for it?)...
Me: uh, uh, uh
Scheduler: Yes, I see here that you are 35, is that right?
Me: Um, Yeah (still in shock) but I JUST TURNED 35 this week!
Scheduler: Heehee, okay, but we do the "genetic counselling" everyone who is advanced maternal age, which is 35 and over...
Ugh. Not fair. SO not fair.