When Niklaus was born, I had such wonderful thoughts of him being nicknamed "Klaus" and had no earthly idea of what his name would become. It all started with Nickerbocker. Sure, I can see that. Nik...Nicker...Nickerbocker bockety bop, I like-a-the way that you bob-attie-bop etc.. Then Gabby started shortening it to "bocker" and sometimes the kids all say "bock". SO, now instead of a nice, slightly quirky and ethnic sounding "Klaus", someday, when he's a grown man he'll answer to the name "Bock".
It just goes to show you, it doesn't matter WHAT the heck you name your kids, so why bother? I should just name them "Baby (insert last name here) and see what their siblings decide to name them after all!
Katrina...Trina, Tree, Trinabina, Kat, Katie, Trine, Tree-knee
Matthew...Matt, Matty, Mattchew
Analise...Anaweese, Weazy, Weas
Niklaus...Nik, Nikerbocker, Bocker, Bock
I give up.