Butch and I were so happy to have Anna and Matt be Evangeline's godparents. Last year, when Anna was newly pregnant with Marek, we celebrated Evangeline's baptism on May 16th (the ONLY one of my children's baptism dates that I remember...only because it was exactly one month after her birth date!). They have blessed us with the honor of being Marek's godparents and we will celebrate his baptism at the end of this month (probably the only OTHER baptism date in the family that I'll remember because it is also one of my brother's birth date!).
I love this picture (taken by Trina when we were unaware she was taking it) of our first visit to their house since Marek was born. They live 2 hours away and we had a hard time getting there with a broken van and so many people that wanted to visit (no one would let anyone ELSE go if they couldn't) but we finally braved the trashy weather and bald tires and gave it a go. We made it there and back alright but it just makes us wish we could live closer and visit again and again and again...sigh.